Every kilogramme of heating oil which is replaced with wood means more than 3 kilogrammes less CO2 in our atmosphere. Wood is not only a practical alternative to fossil fuels, it is also a renewable raw material which is available regionally. Wood as an energy source – an overview
Storing and burning wood properly
Alongside the technology, proper operation is the most important criteria for a high energy yield and low pollutant emissions. Operating a wood-fired system isn’t witchcraft. You just need to follow the three basic rules below:
- Store the wood properly: Store the wood for 1-2 years stacked in a dry, sunny, well ventilated area protected against rain. Allow it to dry in the house for a few days before burning.
- Natural: Only burn natural wood in chunks. Any waste or treated wood has no business in a wood-fired system!
- Light the fire properly: Light the wood in the system from above with suitable firelighters and fine kindling.
What to do with the ashes?
1-2 percent of the wood weight is left behind in the firebox as ashes, i.e. 5-10 kg per cubic metre of beechwood. For practical reasons, it is best to dispose of the ashes with the household waste. Note: When anything other than pure natural wood is burnt then the ashes are heavily charged with pollutants!
Figures and facts
Logs are traded and measured in cubic metres. A cubic metre corresponds to a wood pile (i.e. wood plus air) which is 1 metre high, 1 metre wide and 1 metre deep. One cubic metre of fir wood weighs around 350 kg, a cubic metre of beechwood weighs around 500 kg.
1 cubic metre of fir wood (350 kg) corresponds to:
- 150 litres or 120 kg of heating oil
- 160 m3 of natural gas
- 1.4 MWh = 1400 kWh = 5040 MJ
1 cubic metre of beechwood (500 kg) corresponds to:
200 litres or 170 kg of heating oil
220 m3 of natural gas
2.0 MWh = 2000 kWh = 7200 MJ
Did you know that ...
- the long wave heat radiation from a wood fire is proven to be healthy?
- man has controlled fire for more than 400 000 years?
- the development of our civilisation wouldn’t have been possible without fire?
- Rüegg invented the fireplace closable with a panel half a century ago?
- modern wood-fired heating systems boast the highest efficiency levels with the lowest pollutant emissions?
- much more wood is grown in Europe than is used here?
- the use of wood energy could be doubled with sustainable forest management?
- Wood is a CO2 neutral energy source and thus doesn’t contribute to global warming?
- there are around 20 million living room fireboxes installed in Central Europe today?
- each wood-fired system means one slice of independence and security?
- The provision and use of wood energy is virtually risk-free?
- Wood fuel is crucial for a sustainable energy supply without gas, oil and nuclear power?
- a modern, energy-efficient detached house only needs around three cubic metres
- of wood per year for heating and hot water?
- the combination of wood energy and solar energy is an extremely intelligent business?